CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) internet research is a personal interview technique using an online questionnaire, which the respondent fills in at the place and time of his/her own choice.

We partner with Syno Poland – an international technology company specializing in collecting, processing, and supplying data, operating branches in Europe and Asia.

Świat EN
- size of city/town
- region
- province
- county
- postal code
- owning a car/motorcycle
- ownership title
- make
- type
- production year
- purchase date
- number of vehicles in the household
- purchasing plans
- attitude towards used cars
- position
- specialization
- department
- type of employment
- area of business activity
- number of employees
- annual revenues
- vehicle fleet
- education level
- field of study
- title obtained
- graduation date
- radio and TV equipment owned
- computer equipment owned
- photographic equipment owned
- smartphones and tablets owned
- type of internet connection
- access to latest movies
- interests
- preferred types of gambling
- preferred types of music
- frequency of going to the cinema
- preferred types of movies
- frequency of watching movies at home
- number of DVD/Blu-ray movies purchased
- practiced sports
- time spent on physical activities
- marital status
- number of people in the household
- number, age and sex of children
- date of birth of the expected child
- types of pets
- time spent watching TV
- time spent listening to the radio
- types of magazines read
- titles of newspapers read
- web portals visited
- use of social media
- brand of the phone owned
- operating system
- functionalities used
- mobile operator
- form of payment for calls
- having a company phone
- personal income
- household income
- way of investing in the stock market
- financial products owned
- bank account
- value of investments held
- purchasing decision-making
- types of drinks consumed
- frequency of consuming alcohol
- frequency of consuming fast food
- chosen fast-food chains
- chosen retail chains
- preferred gaming device
- preferred gaming platforms
- time spent playing
- preferred genre
- playing online games
- number of games purchased
- diagnosed ailments
- details of diagnosed ailments
- using glasses/contact lenses
- using hearing aids
- health of family members
- type of allergy
- willingness to participate in research
- preferred types
- accepted languages
- having a webcam
- declaration of smoking tobacco
- tobacco products used
- brand of smoked cigarettes
- frequency of smoking
- experience in quitting smoking
- products used to help quit smoking
- reasons for traveling by plane
- preferred type of rest
- visited countries/regions
- chosen airlines
- chosen hotel chains
Blisko połowa naszych respondentów korzysta z panelu za pomocą smartfonów i tabletów, co umożliwia jeszcze szybszą realizację projektów. Zapewniamy wysoką jakość wyników dzięki dbaniu o komfort wypełniania ankiet na wszystkich urządzeniach. Responsywny kwestionariusz badania dopasowuje się do rodzaju urządzenia, automatycznie dzieli pytania matrycowe na mniejsze fragmenty i jest przystosowany do łatwego wyświetlania plików audio i video.

- experiences from the last store visit
- influence of the store environment on purchasing decisions
- level of awareness of the existence of an online store
- test of names of local stationery stores
- items positively and negatively affecting the purchase
- criteria by which the store loses against its competitors
- photo services market in the opinion of amateur photographers
- estimating market opportunities for a new commercial service
- number of buyers planning to buy in the store
- store shopping categories in the opinion of consumers
- aided, spontaneous and top of mind knowledge of the company
- wealth and burden of the company from the point of view of planned
- activities
- image of security companies and employees
- level of brand awareness compared to the competition
- level of competitors’ product recommendations
- tendency to recommend car workshop services
- influence of new products on brand and category perception
- assessment of dealership network showroom cooperation
- publisher satisfaction survey regarding cooperation with the network
- purchasing process and reasons for lost purchases
- product segments distinguished by buyers
- life insurance price test
- shopping habits within the home furnishings category
- profile and shopping habits of consumers of ready-made salads
- assessment and use of selected banking channels
- needs and expectations regarding service and delivered products
- analysis of bread consumption in Poland
- consumer behavior on the medical services market
- correspondence department customer satisfaction survey
- characteristics of consumers listening to music
- level of readership of the largest press titles
- consumer preferences regarding confectionery brands
- determining the level of demand for a new store format
- profile of Warsaw drugstores female customers
- developing a sociodemographic profile of an application user
- reasons for resignation and termination of an insurance contract
- segmentation of current and potential customers
- financial services that are popular with entrepreneurs
- quality of distribution of promotional brochures according to customers
- advertising spot pretest
- advertising visibility and its impact on purchasing decisions
- research on image and marketing communication channels
- evaluation of the concept of advertising a medical preparation
- checking effectiveness of a promotional campaign
- research on the concept of an internet platform
- analysis of company’s communication with its clients
- logo recognition and brand associations
- assessment of effectiveness and message of an advertising campaign
- assessment of marketing and event cooperation
- attitudes of decision-makers in organizations towards legislative changes
- experience of Polish women and men on the insurance services market
- knowledge, assessment and image of financial institutions
- service needs of single-person households and the elderly
- behavior of individual clients on the real estate market
- environmental impact of rural households
- residents’ opinions on the functioning of a city
- logistics development perspectives in the province
- directions of local labor market development
- assessment of communication regarding extension of the toll road network